In 1992 Judy and Luis Arroyo completed construction of a bed and breakfast in Costa Rica. Their destiny changed when neighbor girls brought them a wee surprise--an orphaned three-toed sloth. They named her Buttercup. Finding scant literature on sloths, they learned from experience. Then another one arrived, and another. Before long the Arroyos became known as authorities on sloth rescue and rearing.
The Arroyos have given in to the animals, and opened the Aviarios Sloth Rescue Center. Dozens of sloths that arrived at the center have been rehabilitated and returned to the forest canopy.
The Rescue Center teaches Costa Rican children to appreciate sloths and their forest ecosystem, and provides a clearing house for information and techniques of sloth care and rearing. As species are pushed ever closer to the brink, this knowledge is critical.
Future plans for the Rescue Center include an international veterinary study station, partnership with jungle researchers worldwide, and purchase of the remainder of the island to complete the refuge. Please consider making a donation in support of this effort. The sloths thank you--slowly, quietly, but most sincerely.